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Saturday 5 November 2011

Bonfires & Fireworks

Winter is here ! ( well in spirit anyway )

The clocks have at last gone back and tonight it's Bonfires & Fireworks all around London. For me all this signals the official start to Winter. There's a great joy in sharing the whole experience too. I look forward to the gathering of people en-mass to celebrate this important Winter Festival.

Though we're not alone in doing so. The massive festival of light Diwali celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs , Jains & Buddhists alike is also around this time of year. Fire-crackers are set off to ward away evil spirits, families & friends share food & sweets together, it all sounds very familiar, no?
Tonight we are going to be at Dulwich Sports Club as we have done for the last couple of years. They manage to get a good safe family feel to what is, a very busy event.
The Fire (which for me is the most important part ) is lit at 6:30. I love to see the way it starts, the colours of the gases being burnt, the sparks before the whole thing combusts into life. There's always an element of fear too, the fire is itself is primal, it demands respect and I like that.

The Firework display starts at 7:00 pm and there's always food & a bar for that all important Winter-Warmer.

You'll find it all happening here.

Have fun, be safe.



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