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Tuesday 18 October 2011

It's time for a London Log Fire

Log Fires, pot roasts & chilly nights
The cool autumn nights have arrived, and there's even been the first touch of frost here in SE26. We've embraced the cold weather as we always do. It's one of my favourite parts of the year. And as the days slowly shorten we begin to enjoy the warmth of a real log fire. It's also early in the game season too, so a Pheasant or Partridge cooking in the oven will be a regular feature in our house. 
Our well stacked wood pile is finally being put it to good use, and it smells absolutely wonderful outside at night.

I've also enjoyed the enjoyed the recent warm weather very much, the warmest on record I think and this late Indian summer has been great for logging, it's allowed us to cut and work the woodlands a good while longer than usual.
It's funny to think that as recently as few weeks ago, we all spent the day swimming, catching small crabs and sunbathing on the beach in Whitstable. It was more like the Greek islands than England. 

During the Winter I split my time between town & country. I feel very lucky to do so, it fends off the winter blues for sure . And on my travels I find & see things that i'm sure others would enjoy sharing in. So this year with this blog, I intend to do just that.

It's important I believe to keep an eye on the seasons and the shift from warm to cooler weather. It keeps us in check with nature, balancing our moods along the way. I enjoy each season & with the onset of Winter a little preparation makes it like any other , a joyous thing.
Keep your eye out for the new tab "The Woodman's Curative" It's a separate page with recipes, country & urban food events , and generally interesting and nicely odd pursuits.

I'll also be creating a London Log Community tab, with links to pubs, restaurants, shops and some of my customers who run small & specialist businesses. 

Lastly a services page for Chimney Sweeps, log-burners, fireplaces & engineers who can install them.



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